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SPACE TIME: Understanding of universe - Deep dive in elementary particles, the fundamental of all!

SPACE TIME: Understanding of universe - Deep dive in elementary particles, the fundamental of all! E ...View More

Do Octopuses Dream? | Deep Questions with James Cameron & Dr. Alex Schnell | National Geographic

Join executive producer James Cameron and Nat Geo explorer Dr. Alex Schnell as they explore the rema ...View More

The difference between #stress and #tauma

Rachel Yehuda is a distinguished professor of psychiatry and neuroscience with a prolific career ded ...View More

END OF THE UNIVERSE: the mysteries of dark energy

Recent discoveries have reshaped cosmologists' understanding of the universe's fate. While previous  ...View More

Understanding Modern Deepfakes & the Blue Framework | Saakshar Duggal | TEDxSJU Bangalore

Mr. Duggal uncovers the intricate realm of Deepfakes at TEDxSJU Bangalore, unveiling their contempor ...View More

Why AI Can't be Ethical - Yet | Eleanor Manley | TEDxDaltVila

The tech world has a secret: we're using Deep Learning AI without fully understanding how it works.  ...View More

Advancing AI Innovation through Cognitive Science | Christie Chung | TEDxNortheasternU

Explores the pivotal intersection of cognitive science and artificial intelligence, delving into the ...View More

沟通中的情感 (Emotion in Communication) | Wang YinYin | TEDxYouth@WellingtonHZ

In a world where connections are forged through words and gestures, Wang YinYin advocates for a deep ...View More

Why Forex? | Samer Baddar | TEDxPSUT

Delve into the intricacies and opportunities of the forex market, understanding its relevance and po ...View More

The Billion Dollar Black Market: Steroids (Full Episode) | Trafficked with Mariana Van Zeller

Mariana attempts to understand the vanity, insecurity and greed that's driving the unregulated, bill ...View More

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